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Пирожкова - Лекция 8 от 06.05.13

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Blending or telescoping

It’s a way of word building then 2 or more contracted stems blend or a complete stem is blended with a contracted stem. Telescoping – because words seem slide to one another like sections of a telescope. A new word is forming having it’s logical meaning.

Examples: icetravaganza – ice + (ex)travaganza – ледовое шоу, swaket – sweater + jacket – свитер с пуговицами, diamonair – diamond + air – фальшивый бриллиант, superjet – supersonic + air jet – сверхзвуковой реактивный самолет, apartmate – apart + mate – сосед по квартире

4 basic models:

1) blending of a residual {остаток} or contracted stem with a residual: dramedy – drama + comedy – телевизионная трагикомедия;

2) blending complete stem with a residual: pocketphone – pocket + telephone;

3) blending residual with complete stem: teleplay – television + play;

4) blending 2 stems with lapping element at the junction {стык} of this stems: businesspeak – business + speak;

Telescopism as rule have 2 elements, but very rarely you may come across 3 element: Ameslan – American Sign Language – язык глухонемых США. Most blends are nouns. Adjectives and verbs are not very often, for example: babynap – baby + kindnap.

2 types of blends:

1) addictive,

2) restrictive.

Addictive type is transformable to a phrase consisting 2 stems and conjunction end: smog – smoke + fog, smaze – smoke + haze.

The restrictive type is transformable to attributive phrase there first element services as a modifier of second, for example: Cinerama – cinema + panorama, positron – positive + electron, telecast – television + broadcast.

Distinctive stress

{словообразование путем изменения ударения}

Some homographic, mostly disyllabic nouns and verbs of a Romanic origin have distinctive stress pattern. For example: conduct – behavior is fore stressed, verb is second syllable stress. Another examples: conflict, export, present.

Historically it’s expressed by the fact of French borrowing, where origin stress last syllable. Verbs retain this stress as many native disyllabic words were also stress in same way. But noun were fore stressed and in the process of assimilation many borrowed nouns came to be stressed at the first syllable.

But there is a group of disyllabic words that retain stress in second syllable both in noun and verb: accord, attempt, concern, research.

A separate group is formed by compound where the corresponding combination of words have double stress and a compound noun is fore stressed, for example: blackboard – black + board.

Sound interchange

{чередование звуков}

Lexical sound interchange serves to form new words. This way of word building is non-productive, but historically this way existed. It’s represented by different cases.

  1. Vowel interchange: blood – bleed, tail – tell.

  2. Consonant interchange: prove – proof, house {[haus] noun,[hauz] verb}, close {[-s] noun, [-z] verb}

  3. Mixed sound interchange: bath – bathe, breath – breathe, loss – loose, choice – choose

Sometimes vowel interchange is combined with suffixation: sincere – sincerity, south – southern, nature – natural.

Consonant interchange is sometimes connected with changing spelling: advice – to advise, belief – to believe, grief – to grieve, device – to devise.

Back formation

It’s the derivation of new word by subtracting a real or suppose affix from existing words. This process is based on the analogy with a formation of all the nouns from suffix –er from verbs.

But such words as bugler cannot be mixed with words which formed with suffix –er. In the bugler and beggar verb produced from noun by subtraction of suffix.

Another examples: to babysit – babysitter, to blood transfuse – blood transfusion, to fingerprint – fingerprinting.